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White Otter Fish & Game Club

Minutes for Regular Meeting July 2, 2018. Draft until approved.

The July 2, 2018 meeting of the White Otter Fish & Game Club was
called to order at 7:30 by President Jack Adams with 14 members and
one guest present.

The minutes for the annual meeting in June were read and approved.
Treasurer Lou discussed recent financial activity and the amount in
our accounts. His report was approved.

Director Karen Marshall has made a donation to the club to be used
for enhancements in the ladies' room. She discussed some of the
improvements she has in mind and will recruit and chair a committee
of folks who use that room and report back.

Trash Day for the Town of Forestport will be on Saturday, July 21 at
the Forestport Highway Garage. Mike Crisafulli, Jack Adams and a
couple others will meet at White Otter in late afternoon on Friday, July
20, to load a trailer with items to be disposed.

Bob Scheehl made a motion to rise the price to rent the hall from
$100 to $150 per day or $175 if the kitchen will be used. This was
passed with two no votes.

Two bids for putting siding on the clubhouse have been received.
July 13 is the deadline for bid submission and they will be opened at
the August 6 meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10. Respectfully submitted,
Alan Woodruff, Secretary

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