HomePistol PermitClub Constitution

​ ​White Otter Fish & Game Club
​ Minutes for August 2, 2021 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:30. Present were President Jack
Adams, Vice President and webmaster Dan Gilmore, Secretary Alan
Woodruff, Treasurer Lou Azzarito and members Mike Crisafulli, Bob
Hoffman, Ray Hotaling, Dick Hyde and Hunter Safety Instructor Dave
Following our newly adapted policy, those present recited the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes for the July 5 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lou reported financial transactions for the past month and
the current balance in our accounts. One CD has already matured, another
will do so tomorrow and the third one in two weeks. With the price of
stamps scheduled to raise in the near future, Lou will purchase sufficinent
Forever Stamps now to cover next spring's newsletter mailing.
The treasurer's report was approved.
A report was given on our July 16 cleanup of the grounds and range.
The pile of debris in back of the clubhouse and trash gathered from the
shooting range were taken to the Town of Forestport trash day on July 17.
The problem of shooters on the range aiming at supports rather than
the cardboard targets we provide was discussed.
Jack reported that some paint on hand for use in the clubhouse
and shooting range.

Our next meeting will be on September 6, which is Labor Day.
The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,
​​Alan Woodruff, Secretary​​​​​


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